
【すべてはWhy / What / Howから】

すべてはWhy / What / Howから

(JP/ENG) 【すべてはWhy / What / Howから】~美大で英語プレゼンテーション講座や留学前対策講座を担当していますが、コース初日に皆さんにお伝えしたのは、ステートメントを書く際も、アーティスト・トークや自己紹介を考える際も、必ず「Why / What / How」をベースにしましょうということ。

*Why are you doing this? ~なぜこれを作っているのか。
*What are you doing? ~何をしている人なのか。
*How do you make it? ~どのようにして作っているのか。






“Yuki Miyamoto is an Art History lecturer, English through Art educator based in Tokyo. Her concept comes from educator, John Dewey “Education is not a preparation for Life, Education is Life itself.” Her vision is to encourage tolerance, perspective, diversity, empathy, through a Liberal Arts education with a focus on Art History.”




Whether you are an artist, educator, mediator or art activist, I think it is important to have some kind of a concept or philosophy which will guide you through your career. In a world with so many distractions, I truly believe it is crucial to have your own belief and perspective on things. To have a personal philosophy or work philosophy may help clarify your life and make your daily “choices” much easier.

What I tell my university students on day one (of all courses) is to think about their own Why/What/How as an artist.

*Why are you doing this?
*What are you doing?
*How do you make it? (=How do you perform?)

And again, this is not only for ones who “create”. If you aspire to work in the arts (or even outside of art) I would advise you to think about these questions too.

My philosophy remains the same for the past 15 years.
“Yuki Miyamoto is an Art History lecturer, English through Art educator based in Tokyo. Her concept comes from educator, John Dewey “Education is not a preparation for Life, Education is Life itself.” Her vision is to encourage tolerance, perspective, diversity, empathy, through a Liberal Arts education with a focus on Art History.”

We all deserve to lead a more inspired life!!
It all begins with your Why, What, and How.